Personal Change

Integral leadership • Conscious leaders • Holistic personal development

Personal Change is the self-work to ground yourself and move from the understanding of that self as created by the greater community of influences.

Personal change is identified by the healing work of what Frankel called the redemptive perspective on your suffering. Knowing how to use your negative turns and positive turns for purposeful action to live with deep meaning. This is the path of reclaiming our goodness after individuals, structures, and systems, and community have taught use narratives that do not serve ourselves and the greater good of humanity.

Personal change is coming into integration with yourself and the community around you, recognizing your desires and wants, honoring them, and utilizing your strengths and gifts for the greater good. This is habit and goal setting with intentional living, so that you can live the truest version of you. The truest version of you is always connected to the greater community around you.

We want you to • Perform at your highest level • Be fully alive • Create, imagine, heal, grieve, and celebrate because this is what it means to be your change and we need you to be this for yourself so you can be it for others.

Organizational Change

Integral leadership • Conscious leaders • Holistic personal development

Organizational or communal change is what every business or local city jurisdiction does. They decide the community they decide to serve, figure out they are going to add their unique touch to leave a mark.

This organizational phase is about finding a tribe of people and figuring out the service or product that they need that your skills or resources provide for.

This is the work of deepening assets that are already there and creating new ventures to fill gaps. This is the process of building wide and tall to cover as much territory as possible, so the institutional organism can grow to influence the greatest amount of people. Organizations can range from a family all the way to the size of a city or nation. Each has structure and foundational conditions that require you to be a part of it. Hopefully the organization is an organism that is breeding life, healing and love. In cases where the effectiveness and efficiency of good change is not taking place, change of the organizational processes need to take place. In an organizations most optimal state it is supposed to duplicate the emergent integrated nature that mirrors the atomic structures that we can analyze down to quantum physics and breed the life that biological support the life of organisms. Organizations are organisms and we nourish and build our community’s, families, corporations, and governing bodies with the emergent integral practices that build towards wholeness

Social Change

There are organizations and individuals that are manipulating, and benefiting off a system that was originally intended to benefit a select few people. this system impacts and harms all of us, even those that seem to be on the upper side of it. There are historical wounds that have been passed down and structures that have become entrenched in a way of innovation and prosperity for the sake of profit, instead of for the sake of the people. social change is needed because the systems and structures created have not cared for the people enough.

Structures and systems, as created by those in positions of power have traditionally created a system that benefits them, meaning those in positions of power and that continue to benefit from the status quote status quo was created to be comfortable and enticing, but does not allow us to live in wholeness as a community of people. harms that have taken place have not been healed and power that is still exploitive has not been addressed.

Social change is the change that brings healing by transforming the systems that dictate the way we move in our personal and communal lives.

For social change to take place we have to go through a healing that the world needs. This is where your vocation meets the world great need.

A fundamental aspect of social change is a change that is a return to the people. you, alone, cannot make the change. The change comes from connecting your pain with the people’s pain and then changing the system in which that pain comes from. The change will only happen when it is done with the people and by the people.